Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid)

Cur. Juan De Andrés Arias

Participating artists: Victoria Arroyo, Iago Basanta, Nerea Bermúdez, Sonsoles Calzado, Rosalía Chamorro, Miguel F. Fernández, Víctor Iglesias, Ínigo Lasheras, Andrés Marti, Javier Moncho, Miriam Montano, Diego Parilla, Adrián Ramos, María Rodellas, Noelia Soto, Luz Qing, Juan de la Quintana.

CUIR(Z) proposes a representation of new contemporary subjectivities. The exhibited photographic images and photobooks emphasize gender construction, with a focus on non-binary identities, and epistemologies that challenge the modern Western hegemony and the spaces that shape it, marked by a distinctly physical-digital (phygital) character. These new modes of subjectivation are led by a generation, known as Z, which uses urban space as an extension of the digital realm to continue constructing themselves through a screen that both (dis)affects and (de)constructs them. 

The concept of cuir is understood as a way of proposing non-normative ways of life, a body of knowledge that enables the rethinking, reimagining, and production of subjectivities that deconstruct traditional genders and their roles within the framework of the Global South. This knowledge is particularly relevant to members of Generation Z, or centennials, whose experiences are shaped in a digital and post-pandemic context. Generation Z (people born between 1997 and 2012) is characterized by young bodies affected by various afflictions, such as the depressive hedonia identified by English philosopher Mark Fisher. He describes this disaffection as the inability to do anything other than seek pleasure, a drift of desire toward melancholic spaces with desaturated tones.

On the other hand, the urban environment oscillates between the physical and the digital (phygital). Thus, CUIR(Z) positions itself at the intersection of cuir, Generation Z, and physical-digital spaces, finding a vantage point from which to reflect on new contemporary subjectivities and their influence on our present.

Juan De Andrés Arias. Madrid, 2023.

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© 2025 Juan De Andrés Arias